Thursday, June 23, 2011

New School Year Curriculum

Today is our first day of our new school year.  We will be having half days through August, when we will begin our full day. 
We are beginning a new reading program and I want to try and get Helana “caught up” as much as possible before August.  So, our half days will consist mainly of reading/writing with a few extra fun stuff.  We will not begin math and science until August and history in October.
Here’s a look of what we will be using this year:
The Writing Road to Reading  by Romalda Spalding.  This is supposed to be excellent for all students, but particularly those who lean toward dyslexia.  We are using the Fourth Edition, as it was cheapest on Ebay! (Don’t think we are missing out on anything though by not using the latest edition 5)
   5th Edition
4th Edition
For math we plan on using:
Math U See Primer

For Science we will be using My Father’s World:
science with plants      science with water
things outdoors
Our Bible will also come from My Father’s World:
bible reader
bible notebook
Additional books include:
art also from My Father’s World
History will also come from My Father’s World (from 2nd grade Adventures in My Father’s World):

Show off your curriculum at the curriculum link up!   <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Educating Layton" /></a>


Christine said...

Thank you for the follow; I followed you back. We used Adventures in My Father's World, last year, and we loved it! The materials you are using look great! Blessings!

Kris said...

Definitely want to hear what you think of Math U See and My Father's World. I've heard great things on both! We're reading the "Little House" books this year too!