The first, and only, sunflower to actually grow from seed in our garden. I’m not sure why none of the others have ever survived.
This afternoon I was delighted to meet up with an “old” college friend. In fact, she was my best friend in college. You know how they say the friends you make in college last a lifetime? It is true. I haven’t seen Tracy for eight years, yet it was like no time had passed at all. We had a lovely, and relaxing, time catching up. I must say that is the best thing about social networks. If it weren’t for FB, we’d have lost touch completely.
It also got us to thinking about how so many of us went in so many different directions. She’s the single career lady. Another friend of ours is the professional working mom in the field of higher education (college professor) and I am the stay-at-home-home school mom. We’ve always been different, with differing philosophies and politics, but that has never gotten in our way. Come to think of it, MOST of my old pals are staunch liberals-lol-which is a far cry from my ultra conservative views. But, again, it never hampered our relationship. Some times PEOPLE are more important than one’s politics, don’t ya think?
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