Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Resolution

We hope everyone had a merry Christmas this year. We hope you were able to slow down and, not only remember, but appreciate the reason for the season.
The ministry Insight for Living (a link is to the right) issued a delightful radio drama entitled "A Bethlehem Christmas". It dramatizes the events leading up to Christ's birth in a very realistic and entertaining CD production. I highly recommend it.

Moving forward, the new year is upon us. Naturally, I have a long list of resolutions again this year. Most of which are repeats from last year I'm afraid-ha ha! However, my list has undergone some revisions this year. The central theme will not be the usual "get healthy, lose weight" blah blah blah. Instead I am going to consider it a Spiritual New Year's Resolution List. Afterall, I can do nothing in and of myself. My resolutions will continue to be repeats well into the future if I rely upon my own determination and will-power. You see, just deciding to lose weight is not enough. I want to become spiritually fit so as to increase my motivation. See things through spiritual eyes. For example, the desire to lose weight so I will "feel good" about myself in my clothes and photographs is shallow to say the least. Instead, this year I wish to focus on losing weight for the sake of caring for the body which God gave me; nurturing the temple of the Holy Spirit and being physically capable of doing whatever task God puts before me.

Speaking of resolutions: I would like to challenge all born-again believers to resolve to be more involved in current events. I personally find this to be a very exciting time to be alive. Yes, the results of the last election were a bit disheartening. Despite how we may agree or disagree with our President-elect and certain members of Congress, we are commanded to pray for those in authority. Afterall, God is still on the throne and it is He who crowns kings and overturns governments and His Will will be executed, whatever it may be.

So, let's stop being lazy. Biblical Truth will be criticized, blashphemed and, certainly, ignored like never before. Christianity is being attacked like no other religion in the world. Yes, we are to deal in love, turn the other cheek etc, but we are NOT expected to compromise the Truth. Ours is the future. We cannot allow the enemy (Satan)to continue having his way while we silently look the other way in the name of political correctness. We need to recognize the enemy for who he is and take on the full armor of God and attack with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Did you ever notice that among the armor of God, there is nothing to sheild or protect our back? That is because He does not mean for us to turn and run, but to engage in the spiritual warfare that is happening all around us at every moment. The fight is on!

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