We have a unique privilege as women of God. We can be keepers at home, home school moms, working moms, single moms or childless and/or unmarried. Women contribute to society (and God’s Kingdom) in so many ways which are different from men. After all, after creating man, God saw that it was “not good” for him to be alone. So, He created woman and “it was good”. We complete our husbands, and society I might add, the same as our men complete us.
It is no secret that we are the more emotional sex. Some of us have learned, through the grace of God, how to manage our emotions better than others.
Staying at home day after day, getting out only to do the weekly shopping and attend services can be difficult for some of us who stay home to raise children. We are delighted and feel privileged to be able to do so, yet I personally have had days when I felt as though the walls were closing in on me. I’ve sometimes wondered, “Isn’t there something more important I could be doing for God, besides the endless cycle of cleaning, correcting, diaper changing and educating?” And every time God gently reminds me, “You are doing the most important thing you can do right now. You are nurturing eternal souls: rearing a gentleman and a very special little lady, for whom I have great plans.”
That promise fills me with encouragement and reorganizes my priorities.
May God fill you with encouragement and strength as you fulfill His purpose for you at what ever stage of life you find yourself in.
So beautiful Marcia. I think all stay-at-moms may have felt like this at one time or another. I know I have. Your post is so encouraging and reminds us to keep going.
Just beautiful and I agree with God. What a wonderful work you are doing. I feel like my greatest work was raising my daughters. Now God has other things for me to do, but I'm thankful I stayed true to the place God wanted me wanted me while my children were at home. Your children will rise up and call you blessed.
So true - God has plans for us at every stage of life. The Art of Homemaking allows so many opportunities to grow our gifts as we parent. Learning how to grow those gifts in the homemaking environment can be challenging yet so fulfilling!
So true - God has plans for us at every stage of life. The Art of Homemaking allows so many opportunities to grow our gifts as we parent. Learning how to grow those gifts in the homemaking environment can be challenging yet so fulfilling!
Marcia, very well said! I have featured you on the #20 linky party, feel free to grab a featured button!
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